Film Scanning
From negative to print
We can scan any size roll including strips down to just two frames from processed 35mm film strips.
We provide a photo negative scanning service to scan full colour and black and white negatives and slides.
For us to achieve the very best results, it will depend on the quality of the negative films.
Many factors come in to play when producing giclée prints from a scanned negative. Typically we typically recommend that giclée prints, from a 35mm negative scan should be no larger than 16″ x 10″.
We scan each and every file individually and we also make sure that all the slides have proper colours, and are also equipped with the ICE technology which promotes dust and scratches removal.
For the 35mm slides, we have two kinds of resolutions, 1200 dots per inch and 4800 dots per inch. The 4800 dots per inch will be a very large picture of course and will print out larger images as well and the file size of this picture will be 20 MB.